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Meet the artist!

Hi, nice to meet you!


Thank you for looking at my portfolio site!

My name is Tanique and I am an storyboard artist and animator based in the UK.

I love creating compelling and interesting stories and sharing them with others. I enjoy making stuff that is a mix of

horror and cute. The type of stuff that visually conflicts with the story being told. I also really like working with texture and colour. I do frame by frame animation in Toon Boom Harmony and can use other programs such as TV Paint, Adobe Animate, Storyboard Pro and Photoshop. My skills are transferable to other programs too.

I graduated with a BA Honours degree in animation and have since gained almost 2 years indie experience on indie short films reanimate projects.

I worked as a inbetweener and helped develop the visual style of a short film for The Sunflower club on the short film Little Wolf in 2022 and I am a storyboard artist for an animated series.  

Thank you for taking a look at my work! Here are my socials to follow my work!


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